Another federal execution is coming right up! Help us prepare with your feedback.
Tell Congress to pass HR4052 to end federal executions & #DefundTheDeathPenalty. Sign here:
I hope you each had a gentle weekend. That was a hard week, in so many ways. I am sure it was difficult for each of us in our own way. Nevertheless, together we did our job to raise awareness and protest, and we created significant impact. More on that soon.
Death Penalty Action is meeting with allies in the Terre Haute Death Penalty Resistence network in the coming days. We will evaluate our efforts and plan adjustments for how we address the next federal execution, which is currently set for August 28th, just five weeks from Friday.
We invite your feedback — Click here to use our brief survey.
There is so much more to be done, and we’re going to take a few days to evaluate and re-set. Death Penalty Action will continue to keep watch for you, and we will issue news and action updates on our Facebook and Twitter pages as available. We must continue to work, hope and pray for the best, but prepare for the worst.
Here is a sample social media post you can use to invite others to join the call to end federal executions:
Tell Congress to pass HR4052 to end federal executions & #DefundTheDeathPenalty. Sign here: @DeathPenaltyAct #EndTheDeathPenalty #StopExecutions #DeathPenalty
- Click here to support our presence on the ground on your behalf.
- Share THIS web page and encourage others to get involved. Petitions and other actions you may take or share to protest these executions at
READ and share Death Penalty Action’s co-Director Abraham Bonowitz op-ed in the Terre Haute Tribune-Star, raising concerns about executions in light of the pandemic, and calling out the true political nature of the timing of these execution dates.
REMINDER: Your Donations Tripled!
We’re almost there! A generous supporter will match 200% of all donations to Death Penalty Action by July 30, 2020, up to $12K. More than $10,500 has been raised so far. Please donate generously today!
Thank you,
— abe
Abraham J. Bonowitz, Director
PS:Protect yourself and others in style — Click here to check out our new masks and other ways to wear the message with AbolitionWear!