Federal Executions July 13, 15, 17 — TAKE ACTION
Yesterday the US Supreme Court failed to act, which may mean the first federal executions in 17 years on July 13, 15 & 17 in Terre Haute, Indiana. Death Penalty Action will be there.
Petitions and other actions you may take to protest these executions are here: http://deathpenaltyaction.org/federal-death-penalty.
Protect yourself and others in style — Click here to check out our new masks and other ways to wear the message with AbolitionWear!
Also, the 27th Annual Fast & Vigil to Abolish the Death Penalty at the US Supreme Court is under way. ALL PROGRAMS ARE BEING STREAMED LIVE on the Starvin’ for Justice Facebook Page at 11am, 1:30pm, 4pm and 7pm.
You do not need a Facebook account to watch, or see the archive of programs already completed. The full schedule is here. Please note that the opening and closing events require registration, which is here.
2020’s Fast & Vigil will be virtual. This is the first time in 27 years that we are not encouraging in-person attendance. Nevertheless, because we are on-line, we have opened the door to so much more! There are 16 panel discussions on numerous related topics featuring leaders in our movement who are experts and voices of experience on the issue. Because of our amazing sponsors, anyone may watch these panels free of charge. Those who register will be invited to the private closing event via Zoom starting at 11:30pm Thursday evening (July 2, 2020).
- All of the details and background are here.
- Schedule is here.
- Watch here.
- See full sponsor list and add yourself or your organization to it, here.
- Sign petitions here: http://deathpenaltyaction.org/take-action
Thank you,
— Abe & Scott, co-directors of Death Penalty Action & Organizers of the Abolitionist Action Committee’s 27th Annual Fast & Vigil to Abolish the Death Penalty at the US Supreme Court.
PS: Like what we do? Help make it happen with your donation today, here! ANNOUNCING — TRIPLE YOUR DOLLARS! A generous supporter will match 200% of all donations to Death Penalty Action by July 30, 2020, up to $12K. Please donate generously today!