First Execution in 2020 is Wednesday in Texas — Say NO!
There’s an execution set for Wednesday. Texas plans the execution John Gardner in revenge for the 2005 murder of Tammy Gardner. More information about this case is here.
Please sign the petition right now, and then use the sharing tools to push it out further on your social media. We’ll be delivering the final signers on this petition to the Governor of Texas Wednesday morning.
Click Here to take action on other pending executions, including the one in Georgia this Thursday, and others set to take place in February.
Thank you,
Abe & Scott, Co-Directors
PS: Going forward, Death Penalty Action is committed to providing protest opportunities for every scheduled execution in the United States.
If you would like to support the work of Death Penalty Action, please join several dozen supporters who have already checked the box to commit a recurring donation of between $5 and $100 (or more) each month. This is how we will keep Death Penalty Action in leadership in the movement to end executions.
OR, please consider a generous start-the-year-off-strong investment in the amazing and vital work that Death Penalty Action will accomplish in 2020:
Donate using a credit card here.
Or send a check to Death Penalty Action, PO Box 89, Ghent, NY 12075.
Thank you in advance for supporting this vital work today!