March4Mercy — TN Update
What a powerful day it was yesterday! A hearty group of more than 20 of us made the #March4Mercy from Riverbend Maximum Security Institution to Legislative Plaza ion Nashville. Along the way we heard many honks of support and other greetings. One man who may have been homeless insisted on giving us $2. Amazing!
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By late afternoon, the few of us planning to stay overnight at Legislative Plaza realized there was no way we would be able to stay awake. Our friendly State Trooper had told us we are welcome to be there, but no one is allowed to sleep. We packed it in at sunset and will return this morning (Sunday) at 9am.
Now that we’ve all rested, we do plan to be out overnight tonight (Sunday). but we want to make sure we have enough people to keep our presence and to keep each other awake! If YOU will commit to a shift of presence with us today or tonight, please reply to this e-mail or call me at 561–371–5204. We are scheduling two to three hour shifts starting at 8pm, and it is fine to overlap. Please think about who you know who would join you/us? Invite them!
8pm to 10 or 11pm
11pm to 1am (or 2am!)
1am to 3am (or 4am!)
3am to 5am (or 6am!)
5am to 7am
All Hands on Deck from 7am to letter delivery at 9am
Bring a folding chair. Bring your instrument. Bring the kids! Bring cold drinks. Or just bring yourself and come be present as we prayerfully stand witness and await the delivery of the prisoners’ letter at 9am Monday morning. And please also join us as early as possible on Monday to be a part of the prayer and delivery to the Governor’s office.
Thank you! There are other ways to support this effort;
#1 — Pray for the Governor, the prisoners, the legal team working to stop the execution of Steve West, and everyone involved in the system and the work to end executions.
#2 — Send the Governor an e-mail at AND call him at 615–741–2001 — Ask him to go pray with the prisoners on death row. Ask him to stop all executions. And send him the below link to the Robert’s sisters powerful letter published yesterday, asking him to “do the right thing.”
#3 — Order and send the postcards! (We’ll have them at the vigil today as well)
#4 — Make a donation to help cover Death Penalty Action’s costs of supporting this effort.
MEDIA COVERAGE has been amazing. Please share on your social media.
Thank you! Yours in the Struggle,
— Abe
Co-Director, Death Penalty Action.
PS: Please make the most of every opportunity to work for justice this week and every week!