Protest the Execution: Join the Virtual Vigil with Shane Claiborne
Litigation is pending, but if it happens, the first Lame Duck federal execution since 1889 will take place Thursday evening. Shaqib Well (Orlando Hall) is scheduled to be killed at 6pm EST tomorrow.
- Sign and/or share the petition to President Trump (to be delivered Thursday by 3pm, adding to those delivered yesterday).
- Send a letter to your members of congress.
- Click here to register now to join the virtual vigil with Death Penalty Action Advisory Board Chairman Shane Claiborne and others on Thursday starting at 5:30pm EST. This will include live connection to protests at the prison at Terre Haute and at Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington DC. Anyone else hosting a vigil, please register for the Zoom and e0mail Anyone willing and able to join those protests in-person while masked and keeping safe distance is welcome.
- Read and share Shane’s article published today about the federal execution spree.
Additional Events this week — click for details.
- Catholic Mobilizing Network Execution Prayer Vigil (Thursday at 2pm)
- American Constitution Society Panel Discussion on Federal Death Penalty (Thursday at 1:30pm)
- Death Penalty Info Center Veterans & the Death Penalty webinar series continues all week. Click for details.
We’ve launched an initiative to urge the Ohio Governor and General Assembly to more SB 296 to abolish Ohio’s death penalty during the current lame duck legislative session.
- Everyone — Sign the petition
- Ohioans — send a letter to the governor
- Ohioans — send a letter to your legislators
Death Penalty Action Needs Your Support. Click here to watch our inspiring 4 minute campaign video. Then….
Yours in the Struggle,
— abe
Abraham J. Bonowitz
Director, Death Penalty Action
PS: Three federal executions remain scheduled in the coming weeks, and Death Penalty Action is leading the grassroots opposition. Sign and share our new petition urging president Trump to halt the executions.
PPS: Please share our posts on Twitter, Facebook, and now on Instagram too!