Sister Helen Prejean, Amanda Knox Headline Human Rights in Crisis: U.S. Federal Execution Spree Virtual Conference
Sister Helen Prejean writes about the Federal Execution Spree and calls on us to act in this Op-Ed. See her short video, sign the petitions and more on the DPA Federal Executions Resource Page.
While you are there, be sure to register to hear Sister Helen and Amanda Knox keynote addresses among many other amazing speakers at:
A Virtual Conference In Honor of International Human Rights Icon Bill Pelke
Sunday, Dec 6 to Saturday, December 12, 2020
Get Details, Agenda, Sponsor List and More, Here.
Registration is FREE!
Many thanks!
— abe
Abraham J. Bonowitz
Director, Death Penalty Action
PS: Five federal executions remain scheduled in the coming weeks, and Death Penalty Action is leading the grassroots opposition. Sign and share our new petition urging president-elect Biden to speak out against the executions.
PPS: Please share our posts on Twitter, Facebook, and now on Instagram too!