So Much Happening on Death Penalty
#TooIllToExecute premiers tonight!
There’s so much going on! Wyoming’s House of Representatives passed an Abolition bill and repeal bills are being teed up on New Hampshire, Colorado, Washington (for the record), and where else?
Also, Ohio executions are at a stand-still again, states are looking at alternative execution methods, and the US Supreme Court just decided you get your spiritual advisor in the execution chamber with you, but only if you are Christian.What are we going to do about THAT? (Hint — come to the Fast & Vigil June 29-July 2 in Washington, DC!)
Each of these things could be it’s own e-mail. Rather than flood your in-box, we’re posting on Facebook & Twitter.
“Too Ill to Execute,” a documentary film about the nationwide need for a severe mental illness exclusion to the death penalty, will have an online premier TONIGHT and YOU are invited!
Monday, February 11th, 7pm central/8pm eastern.
To be followed by a Twitter Q&A event at 7:30pm central/8:30pm eastern.
The film features various perspectives, including: a murder victim’s family member, a state legislator, a psychiatrist, a former state Supreme Court justice, a person living with a severe mental illness, and a capital defender. The website where the film can be viewed at 8pm EST is Following the film, get in on the conversation via Twitter at or by searching #TooIllToExecute.
Wear the message! Please visit and check out Death Penalty Action’s AbolitionWear shop to see these and other designs. Share that link with others and on your social media. Thank you!
And finally…
Are you ready to support Death Penalty Action’s work to stop executions? Even if you are not yet ready to make it monthly, click here for DPA’s on-line site to chip in today. If possible, simply check the box at the bottom of the form to make it weekly, monthly or even quarterly!
Thank you for standing with us in the struggle to end the death penalty.
— Abe & Scott
Death Penalty Action
PS: Love is in the air!