Stop the New Hampshire VETO!
As you have seen with our last few emails, things are moving quickly in New Hampshire! Death Penalty Action is helping make sure that the final state in the Northeast region becomes death penalty free.
This week, I will be on the ground in New Hampshire in partnership with Amnesty International. With your support, I’ll be mobilizing residents to call Governor Sununu to urge him to sign into law the bi-partisan death penalty repeal bill that both the House and the Senate have passed.
Please support Death Penalty Action in this important effort. Governor Sununu has said he’ll veto the bill, but together, we can change his mind. Investing in our presence in New Hampshire is something YOU can do right now to help make a victory more likely.
Additionally, please sign the petition, and direct your tweets on this issue to @gov.chrissununu. You can share social media posts from the Death Penalty Action Facebook and Twitter pages. These are actions for anyone, anywhere, regardless of residency, so please spread this info far and wide.
Also, who do you know in New Hampshire? At this time, only calls from NH residents to the Governor are useful in the phone part of this campaign. Please ask friends/family/colleagues there to call Governor Sununu at 603–271–2121. If you know anyone who might be available to join me in our efforts on the ground in the coming days, please reply to this e-mail.
Death Penalty Action has been at it just over a year, and because of YOU, we’re not going away! With your support and investment today, we’ll keep going, and we’ll grow. We’re excited to tell you that we’ve now added PayPal as a mechanism to invest in our success. If you use Paypal, click here!
Thank you. Make it a great day!
— Scott
PS — Please check the box below the form here, to set it and forget it by becoming a Death Penalty Action sustainer! Please join others currently investing $5, $9, $10, $25, $50 and $100 each month — automatically. Thank you.