Tell Ohio Governor Mike DeWine “THANKS! And it’s time to abolish the death penalty!
Once again, Governor Mike DeWine has pushed back execution dates, blaming pharmaceutical companies for the lack of drugs necessary to use Ohio’s execution protocol. We must applaud, but there’s a next step, and it’s time for Governor DeWine to be unambiguous about where he really stands on capital punishment..
Frankly, the issue is not how we kill our prisoners, but that we do so at all when the system is as broken as it is.
THIS should be Governor DeWine’s message to the legislature: Enact every one of the 56 recommendations of the Supreme Court Joint Task Force on the Administration of Ohio’s Death Penalty, or abolish the death penalty.
How can you help?
This weekend, go out and get a special thank you card, or pull one from that stash you have been saving for special occasions. Using the regular postal mail, send Governor DeWine a heartfelt, genuine hand written note of thanks for his leadership in continuing to push off executions. Then make a postscript (PS) note asking him to just go ahead and declare that it’s time to repeal Ohio’s death penalty, and to work to that end. Here’s the address:
Governor Mike DeWine
Riffe Center, 30th Floor
77 S. High St.
Columbus, OH 43215
If you wish, print off and include one (just one!) of these op-eds or news items that have been published by Ohioans with Voices of Experience on the issue. (If you want to send the others, send them one at a time.)
- Murder Victim Family Member Melinda Elkins Dawson
- Murder Victim Family Member LaShawn Ajamu
- Murder Victim Family Member Rev. Dr. Jack Sullivan Jr.
- Murder Victim Family Member Jonathan Mann
- Former Director of the Ohio Department of Corrections Terry Collins
- (Watch Terry’s video, here.)
- Former Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro
- Former Ohio Governor Bob Taft
- Former Ohio Supreme Court Justice Paul Pfeiffer (Author of Ohio’s death penalty law)
- Ohio Death Row Survivor Joe D’Ambrosio
- Death Penalty Task Force Member Prof. Phyllis Crocker
What else can we do?
- Kick in some funds to Death Penalty Action, here.
- Reply to this message to schedule a speaker for your school or community.
- Write a letter to the editor of your local news outlet.
Let us know how we can support your efforts where you live by replying to this message.
Together we are making a difference.
Thank you.
Scott & Abe, Co-Directors
PS: Like what we do? Help make it happen with your donation today, here!