Washington State #DeathPenalty Unconstitutional!
Great news!
The Supreme Court of the State of Washington this morning issued its unanimous ruling in State v. Gregory, declaring that state’s death penalty to be “racially biased” and “arbitrary,” for the fourth time since 1972!
As we wrote yesterday, every day is Abolition Day!
Death Penalty Action wishes a hearty congratulations to the legal team and everyone active with the Washington Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty and its allies! Wow! What a nice shot in the arm for our movement.
The good news — everyone gets to celebrate this victory for human rights. More good news — everyone on that state’s death row will now no longer face judicial execution in our names. More good news — It’s easier to stop a bad bill then to pass a good one. But you can bet someone will try to reintroduce the death penalty there again soon.
That means the Washington Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty cannot shut its doors just yet! That’s why I (Abe) just made a personal donation and why I urge you to do so as well. Click here now to tell our friends in Washington that we applaud them, and we’ve got their back!
Together we are making the difference to stop executions! Thank you for your friendship and support.
— Abe & Scott
Co-Directors, Death Penalty Action.
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